The suitability of using lateritic clays from Aviele and Igarra has been investigated both in the Northern part of Edo state, Nigeria as liners of an engineered landfill and to adsorb metals in leachates. Geotechnical characteristics, pH, and elemental composition for the lateritic clay samples were determined. The chemical composition, pH, total dissolved solids and electrical conductivity were determined for leachates collected from two dumpsites. The capacities of the lateritic clay soils to adsorb heavy metals in the leachates were determined using the batch equilibrium adsorption technique. The unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of soils were found to be sufficient to resist damage. By both the standard and modified Proctor compaction tests, it was found that the coefficients of permeability for the soil samples were lower than 1×10 -9 m/s that is widely recommended for soils that are to be used as landfill liners. Pb 2+ , Zn 2+ and Cr 2+ were the heavy metals in the leachates. The sorption selectivity order for tested soils depended on the soil type and properties.