ferrofluids have important applications in the separation
of materials via magnetic levitation. However, dilute ferrofluids
pose an additional challenge compared to concentrated ones. Migration
of the magnetic nanoparticles toward a magnet is not well counteracted
by a buildup of an osmotic pressure gradient, and consequently, homogeneity
of the fluid is gradually lost. Here, we investigate this phenomenon
by measuring and numerically modeling time-dependent concentration
profiles in aqueous ferrofluids in the field of a neodymium magnet
and at 10 T in a Bitter magnet. The numerical model incorporates magnetic,
frictional, and osmotic forces on the particles and takes into account
the polydispersity of the particles and the spatial dependence of
the magnetic field. The magnetic sedimentation rate in our most stable
ferrofluids can be understood in terms of the magnetophoresis of separate
nanoparticles, a best-case scenario when it comes to applications.