In disaster areas, medical care is often limited by difficult access and logistics. Radiology services play a crucial role in providing timely health services during emergencies. Telemedicine, including teleradiology, enables patient-doctor communication via online platforms when physical access is restricted. This research aims to develop and validate Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) for teleradiology systems in military field hospitals in disaster areas, using a mixed-method R&D design. Expert validation involved three professionals: a field hospital commander, a radiology specialist, and a radiographer. Six respondents, including radiology specialists, radiographers, and administrators, assessed the relationship between SOP feasibility and user satisfaction. The SOP model was found feasible with a significant p-value of 0.007 (p < 0.05), and a significant relationship between SOP feasibility and user satisfaction with a Sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.034 (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the SOP model for teleradiology systems is feasible for implementation in military field hospitals, positively impacting user satisfaction. This implementation can enhance radiology services in disaster areas, improving patient outcomes and supporting medical personnel.