Pandemi COVID-19 telah melanda Indonesia, mempengaruhi berbagai bidang kehidupan termasuk pendidikan. Sekolah online menjadi alternatif untuk mencegah penyebaran COVID-19, walaupun memiliki keterbatasan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Seiring menurunnya kasus COVID-19, mulai dilakukan sekolah tatap muka dengan penerapan protokol kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbedaan penerapan protokol kesehatan di SD Negeri dan Swasta. Metode penelitian mix methode dengan explanatory sequential research design. Populasi adalah siswa dari satu Sekolah Dasar Negeri dan satu Sekolah dasar Swasta di Kota Bandung, dengan sampel 86 orang dipilih secara purposif. Pengumpulan data kuantitatif menggunakan angket yang disebar ke siwa untuk diisi. Pengumpulan data kualitatif dilakukan ke informan masing-masing seorang guru dari SD Negeri dan Swasta, dengan metode wawancara mendalam serta observasi. Analisis data kuantitatif menggunakan distribusi frekuensi dan uji beda U Mann Whitney. Analisis data kualitatif melalui proses deskripsi, reduksi, koneksi, kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan dua per-tiga siswa memiliki pengetahuan baik tentang COVID-19, sebanyak tiga dari lima siswa menyatakan sarana protokol kesehatan di sekolah masih kurang, separuh siswa menyatakan guru dan staf memberi teladan baik, sebanyak tiga dari lima menyatakan sosialisasi sudah dilakukan baik dan hanya satu dari tiga siswa yang melakukan praktik baik protokol kesehatan. Tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan pengetahuan COVID-19, keteladanan guru, dan praktek protokol kesehatan antara Sekolah Dasar Negeri dan Swasta. Secara keseluruhan implementasi protokol kesehatan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri dan Swasta sama. Semua sekolah diharapkan mengimplementasikan protokol kesehatan secara berkesinambungan.Kata kunci: protokol; kesehatan; sekolah; tatap mukaAbstractThe COVID-19 pandemic hit Indonesia, affecting various fields of life including education. Online schools are an alternative to prevent the spread of COVID-19, even though they have limitations in the teaching and learning process. As COVID-19 cases has decreased, face-to-face schools begun with the implementation of health protocols. The study purpose determined the differences in the implementation of health protocols in public and private elementary schools. The research method is mix method with explanatory sequential research design. The population of students from one public and one private elementary school in Bandung City, with a sample of 86 people selected purposively. Quantitative data collection uses questionnaires distributed to students to fill out. Qualitative data collection was carried out to each informant, a teacher from a public and private elementary school, using in-depth interviews and observation methods. Quantitative data analysis used the frequency distribution and U Mann Whitney differenence test. Qualitative data analysis through the process of description, reduction, connection, conclusion. The results showed that two-thirds of the students had good knowledge of COVID-19, as three fifths stated that the health protocol facilities were lacking, half of the students stated that the teachers set good examples, as three fifths stated that the socialization carried out well and only one-thirds students practiced good health protocols. There are significant differences in socialization and provision of health protocols facilities between public and private schools. There isn’t significant difference in knowledge, the example of the teacher, and practice of health protocols. Overall the implementation of the health protocol in public and private elementary schools is the same. All schools are expected to implement health protocols on an ongoing basis. Keywords: protocol; health; school; face to face