Generation Z, which includes individuals born between 1995 and 2010, faces major challenges related to mental health due to social pressure, academics and rapid technological developments because they were born during a transition period in technological development. This study aims to examine in depth the important role of guidance and counseling (BK) teachers in facilitating the mental health of this young generation through a comprehensive literature review. Using a systematic literature review method, a total of 8 journal articles and 2 books that were relevant in the 2017-2024 period were analyzed to identify main themes. The results of the study reveal the main challenges faced by guidance and counseling teachers in dealing with generation Z's mental health issues, the most frequently experienced by generation Z are depression, anxiety, self-harm and eating disorders. The literature also emphasizes the crucial role of guidance and counseling teachers in creating a supportive school environment, providing individual and group counseling services, and conducting psychological education programs. This study recommends that BK teachers improve mental health by providing emotional support, providing counseling, and teaching stress management skills. By optimizing the role of guidance and counseling teachers, it is hoped that they can help ensure good mental health among the younger generation, so that they can achieve their maximum potential in development and achievement