The problem of sound emission by liquid and gas flows is urgent in modern physics and mathematics by virtue of the wide propagation and importance of this phenomenon for practice [1]. Jet engines, pumps, and fans are known as the most intense acoustic contami nators of the environment. An intense source of underwater acoustic noise is rain [2]. The connection of the emitted sound and bubble nucleation processes was also noted. The sound frequency is quite consis tent with calculations based on approximate formulas for a spherical cavity [3].In this case, the question on the energy balance in the emission process remains open [4]. Several mech anisms of sound generation have been considered, e.g., a sharp increase in internal pressure of the process of bubble compression by surface tension forces [5] and the interaction of bubble surface vibration modes [6]. The effect of a cumulative jet arising as a result of breaking off the connecting neck between a bubble and the liquid surface was also analyzed in [7,8]. This effect is accompanied by a rapid compression drop in the surrounding liquid [9]. At the same time, as esti mates have shown, the combined action of surface tension forces and hydrostatic pressure provides not more than 10% of the energy of the registered acoustic emission [5].In experiments with gases injected into liquids through profiled nozzles, the sound emission was related to bubble volume reduction as a result of breaking off the connecting neck [10]. At this instant of time, the onset for the sequence of sonic packets initiated by the droplet fall onto the water surface was registered [11]. It was noted in experiments with fall ing droplets that the parameters of sonic packets (their duration, amplitude, and frequency) varied noticeably even under the same external conditions. Thus, the onset of sound generation by detached gas bubbles at the instant of breaking off from the con necting neck is confirmed in a number of independent experiments and may be considered to be true. How ever, the mechanisms of the excitation and mainte nance of the emission and the transformation of the mechanical motion energy to acoustic energy remain unknown. In the present paper, we study the connec tion between the processes of sound emission and shape variation for an emitting gas cavity.The experiments were conducted in a hydrooptic basin 145 × 50 × 60 cm 3 in volume. The basin, supplied with windows made of optic glass, was filled with degasified tap water to a depth of 40 cm, which consid erably exceeded the size of the droplets, of the cavern, and of the arising gas bubbles. Acoustic pressure vari ations were registered by a GI51B measuring hydro phone (transmission band of 2 Hz to 120 kHz, sensi tivity of 30 mV Pa -1 , irregularity of the amplitude fre quency characteristic better than 3 dB). The flow pattern was recorded by an Optronis CR3000 × 2 high speed video camera (recording rate up to 200 000 frames per second). The camera's optic axis was aligned hor izontally at the level of the free water surface....