This chapter is organized as three parts: in the first part, the vibroacoustic performance of a rectangular double-panel partition with enclosed air cavity and simply mounted on an infinite acoustic rigid baffle is investigated analytically. The sound velocity potential method rather than the commonly used cavity modal function method is employed, which possesses good expandability and has significant implications for further vibroacoustic investigations. The simply supported boundary condition is accounted for by using the method of modal function, and double Fourier series solutions are obtained to characterize the vibroacoustic behaviors of the structure. Results for sound transmission loss (STL), panel vibration level, and sound pressure level are presented to explore the physical mechanisms of sound energy penetration across the finite double-panel partition. Specifically, focus is placed upon the influence of several key system parameters on sound transmission, including the thickness of air cavity, structural dimensions, and the elevation angle and azimuth angle of the incidence sound. Further extensions of the sound velocity potential method to typical framed double-panel structures are also proposed.In the second part, the air-borne sound insulation performance of a rectangular double-panel partition clamp mounted on an infinite acoustic rigid baffle is investigated both analytically and experimentally, and compared with that of a simply supported one. With the clamped (or simply supported) boundary accounted for by using the method of modal function, a double series solution for the sound transmission loss (STL) of the structure is obtained by employing the weighted residual (Galerkin) method. Experimental measurements with Al double-panel partitions having air cavity are subsequently carried out to validate the theoretical model for both types of the boundary condition, and good overall agreement is achieved. A consistency check of the two different models (based separately on clamped modal function and simply supported modal function) is performed by