A numerical model based on a hybrid finite element method is developed that seeks to join sound pressure fields in interior and exterior regions. The hybrid method is applied to the analysis of sound radiation from open pipes, or ducts, and uses mode matching to couple a finite element discretization of the region surrounding the open end of the duct to wave based modal expansions for adjoining interior and exterior regions. The hybrid method facilitates the analysis of ducts of arbitrary but uniform cross section as well the study of conical flanges and here a modal expansion based on spherical harmonics is applied. Predictions are benchmarked against analytic solutions for the limiting cases of flanged and unflanged circular ducts and excellent agreement between the two methods is observed. Predictions are also presented for flanged and unflanged rectangular ducts, and because the hybrid method retains the sparse banded and symmetric matrices of the traditional finite element method, it is shown that predictions can be obtained within an acceptable time frame even for a three dimensional problem.