The purpose of this study is ensuring patient safety of blood transfusion by minimizing risk of transfusion at the point of care through Information Technology. The targets are ensuring five rights of transfusion, rights process and right information by auto identification and traceability of blood products. Auto identification and data capturing system with RFID based on the Point-of-Act-System (POAS). It provides real time right identification, process management to ensure right medication and traceability with serialized number in single item level. The system designed based on process analysis and use case of transfusion was successfully implemented in Red Cross Hospital to prevent transfusion errors and ensure traceability of blood products. By reading RFID at the point of care, we can check database to look for adverse events of blood products. We identified all 377 blood products and acquired tracking data successfully. We can improve patient safety and traceability with RFID.Keywords -Healthcare management, Point of care,
Patient safety978-1-4577-0739-1/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE