Abstract. In a precursor eEDM experiment to the proton EDM, spin polarimetry based on undulator radiation is proposed.
The EDM storage ring experiment(s)We plan a storage ring based experiment (100 M$) to measure with an accuracy of 10 −29 e-cm the electric dipole moment (EDM) of the proton. In a second "precursor" storage ring experiment we propose to measure the electric dipole moment of the electron. The eEDM ring will be smaller and much less expensive than the pEDM ring and might be constructed first.The e-ring will also be useful as a model to test the not-so-well known accelerator physics of an electric storage ring.In the pEDM we will use polarized protons at the "magic" (see next) momentum of 0.7 Gev/c. In the precursor eEDM, polarized electrons at the "magic" momentum of 15 MeV/c. The EDM will be measured by spin polarimetry.The rings will be strictly electrostatic (no magnets). At the magic momentum, in absence of magnetic fields, the spin direction will remain "frozen" in its direction at injection (longitudinal) and the EDM will be measured as proportional to a small vertical component of the spin that will gradually appear. Interested people may check another parallel talk to this Conference[1].
Synchrotron radiation and spin polarimetryIt was suggested[2] that synchrotron radiation by polarized particles in an accelerator will show an extra tail. This effect was finally measured on electrons [3]. SR is due to the radiation by an accelerated charged particle (in particular, oscillating.) The tail is due to the radiation of an oscillating momentum. It is a second order radiation field. This component of SR goes with the inverse square of the mass of the particle, so it is much weaker for protons than for electrons.It seems already promising to do spin polarimetry by ordinary wide-spectrum SR, however there are better news. If one enhances synchrotron radiation using an undulator in the ring (say electrostatic to preserve the magic condition), SR becomes more intense, more coherent and, very important, shows a line spectrum. It turns out that the monopole and the dipole spectral lines have opposite polarization.