Research on karst processes is important for the determination of their carbon sink potential, as is research into terrestrial ecosystems in karst areas. Solutional denudation rates of soils from three karst spring watersheds supporting different land uses were studied. Solution rates showed a distinct pattern based on land use, with a generally higher rate being recorded in forest use soil.The mean values for tablet dissolution from the cultivated land, shrublands, secondary forest, grassland and primary forest were 4.02, 7.0, 40.0, 20.0, 63.5 t km -2 a -1 respectively. Changes in vegetation patterns could improve the size of karst carbon sinks; for example, in this study the carbon sink was 3 times higher in primary forest than in secondary forest soil and 9 times higher than under shrubland, equating to an increase from 5.71-7.02 to 24.86-26.17 t km -2 a -1 from cultivated land or shrub to secondary forest and to primary forest, respectively. In early research studies into karst processes, the estimation of carbonate rock dissolution rate was mainly performed using empirical equations. For example, Pulina [1,2] calculated potential dissolution rates in karsts in Poland, Europe, the temperate and subtropical regions of Asia, and in other regions. Thereafter, a worldwide correlation program for carbonate dissolution rates was undertaken by the International Union of Speleology under the framework of the limestone standard tablet method. The program involved taking 101 dissolution rate data sets from different soil depths at 25 correlation sites (USA, England, Italy, France, Australia and former Yugoslavia)(with different climate conditions) around the world; these were collected and analyzed by Gams [3]. The data from other karst areas (such as southwest China) showed that the higher the precipitation in a given study area, the higher the dissolution rate [4]. Accordingly, before the 1990s, scientific research related to email: karst carbon sinks was mainly focused on simple karst processes and their influencing factors; much research involved analysis of just a single factor such as air temperature or precipitation.Since the 1990s, research became more integrated with an emphasis on the associated impacts of climate, hydrology and geology on karst processes. It also was introduced into the field of global change research during the implementation of IGCP 379 "Karst processes and the carbon cycle (1995-1999)", and was aimed at the estimation of the carbon sink intensity at regional (such as China [5]) and global scales. A global correlation of the carbon cycle in epikarst dynamics systems was also performed, and it was estimated that the carbon sink from global karst processes was (1.1-6.08)10 8 t C/a [6-9], or about 5.5%-30.4% of the "missing carbon sink". Moreover, the carbon sink for atmospheric CO 2 from epikarst processes in different karst regions of the world has also been investigated