This study presents an integrated formation evaluation of the Middle Miocene syn-rift sandstones of the Hammam Faraun Member from southern Gulf of Suez. Core data, XRD, wireline logs and gas chromatography data have been utilized to assess the reservoir characteristics. Three lithofacies are identified from the cored intervals: i) fine to medium-grained massive sandstone (F-1), ii) low-angle cross-bedded fine-grained sandstone (F-2) and iii) coarse to very coarse-grained massive sandstone (F-3). The dominantly massive nature of the sand units with sharp erosive base and bottom rip-up clasts strongly indicates a high energy channel or fan deposit. XRD analysis exhibits quartz and feldspar to be the dominant constituents of these calcareous arkose. Montmorillonite and kaolinite are the major clay phases along with minor illite. Routine core analysis of a total of 168 core plugs indicates meso- to megaporous sandstones with porosity up to 28% and Kh up to 1171 mD. Permeability anisotropy analysis exhibit the dominance of primary depositional fabric and isotropic pores. Wireline log analysis yielded shale volume < 0.2 v/v, porosity ~ 0.18–0.24 v/v, and water saturation ~ 0.33–0.49 v/v. Various gas ratios (wetness, balance, character, and oil indicator ratio) estimated from the chromatograph data indicates the presence of liquid hydrocarbon within the studied reservoirs. The study concludes excellent reservoir properties in the Hammam Faraun clastic intervals of the Esh Elmallha area.