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AbstractWe study market perception of sovereign credit risk in the euro area during the financial crisis. In our analysis we use a parsimonious CDS pricing model to estimate the probability of default (PD) and the loss given default (LGD) as perceived by financial markets. We find that separate identification of PD and LGD appears empirically tractable for a number of euro area countries. In our empirical results the estimated LGDs perceived by financial markets stay comfortably below 40% in most of the samples. We also find that macroeconomic and institutional developments were only weakly correlated with the market perception of sovereign credit risk, whereas financial contagion appears to have exerted a non-negligible effect.JEL-Classification: C11, C32, G01, G12, G15. Keywords: sovereign credit risk, CDS spreads, euro area, probability of default, loss given default.ECB Working Paper 1710, August 2014 1
Executive summaryThe aim of this paper is to study market perception of sovereign credit risk in the euro area during the financial crisis. Understanding the factors that influence changes in market perception of sovereign credit risk is a question of special interest for economists, investors, and financial regulators. Similarly to a number of recent studies, we also monitor the market perception of sovereign risk by using information derived from CDS spreads.In studying market perceptions of sovereign credit risk, one of the aims of this paper is to estimate measures of the probability of default (PD) as perceived by financial markets and the loss given default (LGD), also as perceived by financial markets, embedded in the CDS spreads. Earlier studies of the euro area sovereign debt crisis usually employed the CDS spreads alone and thus were not able to separately identify changes in the valuation of risk stemming from either increases of potential losses or a growing likelihood of default.Yet, in the pricing framework of 'fractional recovery of face value', the factors governing the dynamics of the PD and LGD play very distinct roles in the derivation of the price of the CDS contract, thus suggesting that PD and LGD can indeed, at least in theory, be separately identified. However, what is conceptually true may not always hold empirically, and to date the separate identification of PD and LGD remains challenging.The second aim of this paper is to shed some light on the key drivers of the market perception of ...