Unhomely Presents: Trauma and Values of Endurance Among Older People We are a rubbish dump for Moscow now, in a literal as well as fi gurative sense, I mean. On the site of the clay mining pit they've started trucking in all kinds of muck [ drian' ]. We're worried about how it will aff ect the water supply. In Soviet times under Rodomirov there was one authority [ vlast' ] for everything-the housing, the plant, the roads, and this couldn't have happened. At the same time half the town works in Moscow on the construction sites. It's such a shame. Who wants to live in a railway carriage behind barbed wire for six months at a time and never see your family? No, I will stay at the metal fabricating workshop for my measly 16,000 a month. 1 Th is is my town, my home is here. What can you do? We have enough [ nam khvataet ]. Everything is orientated to protect the big city people, but it wasn't always like that.