Tillage, an integral component of crop production systems, affects crops growth and yield. Different experiments conducted by researchers on diverse tillage systems, and proposal of different models for predicting crops output were presented. Estimating plant yield has positive value for sustainable development. The number of factors determining crop productivity makes modeling crop production challenging task. Forecasting crop production is challenging, requiring making inferences on future performance based on past conditions. Farmers focus on yield as cropping commences. Formerly, yield prediction was calculated by analyzing farmer\'s previous experience on particular crop. Finite model equations are used to predict output of crops during cultivation provided soil physical properties and their growth parameters are revealed. Different tillage systems including conventional, conservative, reduced, zero, mulch, ridge, minimum and strip in predicting crops growth and yield were discussed. Notable models for predicting growth and yield of crops using different tillage systems were highlighted. Yield of crops is estimated during cultivation provided soil physical properties, climate conditions, and growth parameters of crops are known. Modern farming, utilizing model equations for estimating output, using soil physical properties, climate conditions and relevant parameters of tillage systems are recommended for improvement in crop production depending on soil types.