The topic of nanodielectrics continues to receive significant attention from today's dielectrics community, due to the property enhancements that can stem from the unique interfacial features within such material systems. Nevertheless, understanding of the interfacial phenomena that occur in nanodielectrics and which determine their electrical behaviour is challenging. In this paper, we report on an investigation into the absorption current behaviour of two nanocomposite systems, one containing an untreated nanosilica and the other containing the same nanofiller chemically modified using trimethoxy(propyl)silane.The results indicate that the absorption current behaviour of all the nanocomposites is very different from that of the reference, unfilled polymer; while the current flowing through the unfilled polyethylene decreased monotonically with time in a conventional manner, all nanocomposites revealed an initial decrease followed by a period in which the current increased with increasing time of electric field application. Possible mechanisms leading to the observed absorption current behaviour in the nanocomposites are discussed with the aid of space charge measurements. The presence of space charge limited conduction (SCLC) and its trap-filled limit is proposed.Keywords: nanocomposites, nanosilica, interface, absorption current, space charge limited conduction. 2
IntroductionThe addition of a nanofiller to a polymer matrix has been shown to be a flexible means of tailoring the dielectric properties of materials [1][2][3] and Chen et al. [19], for example, have emphasized the unsatisfactory nature of our understanding of charge transport mechanisms. In conventional polymeric insulation, charge transport mechanisms are extremely complicated, when compared with many conducting and semiconducting materials [20,21]. In semicrystalline polyethylene, for example, chainfolded lamellar crystals are surrounded by amorphous conformations and there is likely to be a high concentration of traps relating to each of these structural motifs. On the addition of a nanofiller, charge transport mechanisms will become yet more complicated, since the inclusion of nanoparticles will introduce extensive interfacial surfaces between the nanofiller and the polymer. The presence of such interfaces may directly introduce additional nanofiller/polymer trapping sites and/or modify the surrounding polymer morphology, thereby affecting the local density of states within the system.The current flow caused by the action of an applied electric field on charge carriers within a dielectric material can broadly be categorized into three types [22]: the initial current that flows through the material is the capacitive charging current, which causes a dramatic rise at the very beginning of the voltage application. This is followed by a gradual decrease of current, known as the absorption current or the anomalous current. Conventionally, the absorption current decreases slowly until it reaches a quasi-steady state, providing a conduction c...