Laser-driven ion acceleration is a new approach for the particles acceleration, which allows obtaining ion beams with unique properties, such as short burst duration, large particle number, small size source size, low transverse emittance. Currently, two main acceleration mechanisms have been identified and investigated: target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) and radiation pressure acceleration (RPA). Electrons dynamics and energies are strongly coupled to these acceleration mechanisms and they can be investigated with optical and X-ray techniques. The main aim of these studies are the identification of few physical observables that can be directly correlated to the proton emission obtained (in terms of reproducibility and intensity) in operations with different target material and structure and laser-target interaction parameters.
OPTICAL DIAGNOSTICS IN LASER-TARGET INTERACTION: A TOOL TO INVESTIGATE ACCELERATION MECHANISMThe optical diagnostic is one way to experimentally investigate the early stage of laser-matter interaction and to get information on acceleration mechanisms. For the ELIMED activity it will be used to maximize the proton fluence and energy. The electrons play a key role on acceleration mechanisms. A technique to assess the electrons transport properties is the optical shadowgraphy by using a transverse probe pulse. The time resolved shadowgraphy [1] permits the estimation of the electrons expansion velocities. The surface temperatures of the target can be also evaluated by comparison between the expansion velocities and the hydrodynamical calculations [1].A further investigation technique is the fast optical imaging. It can be useful to get information on the influence of target geometry on the laser-matter interaction and the possible plasma space-time evolution. The interaction conditions can be investigated via imaging and spectroscopy at the fundamental and the second harmonic of the laser frequency, both in the forward and backward direction [2].In such a way the conditions suitable for electron acceleration close to the propagation axis, can be checked as well as their reproducibility.Laser interferometry, based on the analysis of the fringe structures originated by a probe beam crossing the plasma cloud, is a versatile tool for estimating the plume density at earlier times [3]. It permits a very accurate determination of the electron density and is particularly used in the first instants of plume expansion, when the strong continuum, associated with bremsstrahlung and recombination emissions, does not allow a clear detection of the shape of the emission line.Since the advent of optical lasers, interferometry has been widely used to study different types of plasmas. This powerful technique provides information in the form of two-dimensional maps of the electron density, often without the need of extensive modeling.The interferometry utilizes the fact that the plasma index of refraction is proportional to the density of free electrons in plasmas. The variation in the index of refraction...