The present study examined the role of N-methyl-l)-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors in synaptic plasticity in regular-spiking cells of rat frontal cortex, lntracortical stimulation, at levels subthreshold for eliciration of action potentials, evoked a late excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) in layer II II1 neurons that was sensitive to the selective NMDA antagonist D-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV). This late EPSP showed marked short-term frequency-dependent depression, suggesting that it is polysynaptic in origin. Polysynaptic late EPSPs were selectively enhanced following high-frequency stimulation. This sustained increase in synaptic efficacy, or long-term potentiation, was expressed in regular spiking cells and appeared to result from activation of NMDA receptors on excitatory interneurons. These data demonstrate the existence of an NMDA-modulated polysynaptic circuit in the neocortcx which displays several types of use-dependent plasticity, Neocortical neurons can display sustained increases in synaptic efficacy following conditioning stimulation [2, 3, 5]. The mechanisms underlying this long-term potentiation (LTP) are unclear. Although many studies have indicated that LTP is due to an increased effectiveness of monosynaptic connections [1, 11], the possibility that alterations in the activity of excitatory local circuit neurons can also underlie changes in synaptic efficacy has been raised [20]. Recent interest in neural networks as devices for information storage and retrieval [14,19] suggests that interactions between local mosaics of neurons may be important in learning and memory as well as changes in monosynaptic connections. This is especially relevant in the neocortex where 70% of fibers forming asymmetric synapses arise from intrinsic neurons involved in local excitatory circuits [15]. In examining synaptic plasticity in the neocortex, we have found a type of LTP that involves selective enhancement of polysynaptic EPSPs.