Nitroxide spin labels were attached to CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B directly and through oligoglycines and w-amino-carboxylic acids of varying length. The homogeneity of the carbohydrate environments of directly attached labels was investigated by measuring dipolar interactions between nitroxides as a function of solvation and of spin dilution with a diamagnetic analogue, as well as by electron exchange between the nitroxides and paramagnetic metal ions in solution. Only the exchange experiment revealed any inhomogeneity, suggesting that a small proportion of sites may be less accessible than the majority. The distances between sites were sufficiently small to allow, in principle, multiple-site interactions between quite small proteins in solution and immobilized ligands. Reorientation of the label at the matrix, characterized by the correlation time z, became more rapid with increasing spacer length n. For n > 12, the decrease in z was less pronounced. The two types of spacer behaved similarly. Thus an ideal spacer length for affinity separations is 12 atoms; this is in good agreement with data from a variety of affinity separations. The results of electron spin resonance studies of the effect of non-aqueous solvent on directly and indirectly labelled Sepharose 4B were used to suggest reasons why enzymes immobilized on Sepharose may be stabilized to denaturing solvents. (Fig. 1 A) i.e. that fraction of agar having fewest charged residues, which is most widely used in its commercially available form of Sepharose gel beads [ll]. Recent X-ray diffraction studies [12] have shown that films and fibres of agarose contain regions of double-helical chain association (junction zones) ; the gel form, however, is thought [13 -171 to contain higher-order aggregates, perhaps of 7 -11 helices. In chemical modificaAbbreviations. ESR, electron spin resonance; HtN-Me4Pip0, 4-amino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-l-oxyl; HzN-Me4Pyr0, 3-amino-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-l-oxyl; 2,6, tion of the beads, although each agarobiose unit has four hydroxyl groups, the degree of substitution under aqueous conditions never approaches theoretical limits (except perhaps in the presence of very strong base), presumably because of the involvement of many hydroxyls in inter-chain hydrogen bonding, or their substitution by small amounts of sulphate, pyruvate and methyl. The most efficient, and most commonly used, method of immobilising ligands to Sepharose is the cyanogen bromide activation procedure [18,19], which is thought to proceed mainly as shown in Fig. 1 C [20]. An important extra factor shaping the chemistry of affinity chromatography has been the discovery of the need for a spacer arm to separate the ligand from the matrix [21,22] in order to maximise the efficiency of separation or, in other words, the strength of binding between immobilized ligand and solution macromolecule. In the present paper we report a study of Sepharose 4B using nitroxides as model ligands in combination with common chemical methods, i.e. CNBr activation an...