“…Let Γ i (v, e) = x∈Ti(v) γ(x, e), that is, the sum of all coefficients associated with both edge e and some leaf in the i-th pendant subtree below vertex v. Let e = (u, v) be an edge of T . Then the ratio Γ 1 (v, e) : • • • : Γ d (v, e) is called the ratio of allocations at v, where d is the out-degree of v. Moreover, diversity indices in this paper will be assumed to be consistent in the sense that the values Γ i (v, f ) lie in the same ratio as the ratio of allocations at v for every edge f in the path between the root vertex and v. Each diversity index may be described by its (consistent) ratios of allocations, with [16] showing both how these ratios may be converted into γ(x, e)-type coefficients and that all diversity indices may be expressed in a consistent form.…”