We show that the property of being rationally Kstable passes from the fibers of a continuous C(X)-algebra to the ambient algebra, under the assumption that the underlying space X is compact, metrizable, and of finite covering dimension. As an application, we show that a crossed product C*-algebra is (rationally) K-stable provided the underlying C*-algebra is (rationally) K-stable, and the action has finite Rokhlin dimension with commuting towers. Given a compact Hausdorff space X, a continuous C(X)-algebra is the section algebra of a continuous field of C*-algebras over X. Such algebras form an important class of non-simple C*-algebras, and it is often of interest to understand those properties of a C*-algebra which pass from the fibers to the ambient C(X)-algebra. Given a unital C*-algebra, we write U n (A) for the group of n × n unitary matrices over A. This is a topological group, and its homotopy groups π j (U n (A)) are termed the nonstable K-theory groups of A. These groups were first systematically studied by Rieffel [20] in the context of noncommutative tori. Thomsen [26] built on this work, and developed the notion of quasi-unitaries, thus constructing a homology theory for (possibly non-unital) C*-algebras. Unfortunately, the nonstable K-theory for a given C*-algebra is notoriously difficult to compute explicitly. Even for the algebra of complex numbers, these groups are naturally related to the homotopy groups of spheres π j (S n), which are not known for many values of j and n. It is here that rational homotopy theory has proved to be useful to topologists and, in this paper, we employ this tool in the context of C*-algebras.