The problem of computing the vertices of the convex hull of a given finite set of points in the Euclidean space is a classic and fundamental problem, studied in the context of computational geometry, linear and convex programming, machine learning and more. In this article we present All Vertex Triangle Algorithm (AVTA), a robust and efficient algorithm that for a given input set S = {vi ∈ R m : i = 1, . . . , n} computes the subset S of all K vertices of the convex hull of S. If desired AVTA computes an approximation to S and it can also work if the input data is a perturbation of S. Let R be the diameter of S. We say conv(S), the convex hull of S, is Γ * -robust if the minimum of the distances from each vertex to the convex hull of the remaining vertices is Γ * . Given γ ≤ γ * = Γ * /R, the number of operations of AV T A to compute S is O(nK(m + γ −2 )). Even without the knowledge of γ * , but when K is known, using binary search, the complexity of AVTA is O(nK(m + γ −2 * )) log(γ −1 * ). More generally, without the knowledge of γ * or K, given any t ∈ (0, 1), AVTA computes a subset S t of S of cardinalityoperations so that the Euclidean distance between any point p ∈ conv(S) to conv(S t ) is at most tR.Next we consider AVTA under perturbation since in practice the input maybe a perturbation of S, Sε = {v ε i : i = 1, . . . , n}, where vi − v ε i ≤ εR. The set of perturbed vertices, Sε may differ drastically from the set of vertices of conv(Sε). Let Σ * be the minimum of distances of vertices of conv(S) to the convex hull of the remaining point of S. Under the assumption that σ * = Σ * /R ≥ 4ε, given σ satisfying 4ε ≤ σ ≤ σ * , AVTA computes Sε in O(nKε(m + σ −2 )), where K ≤ Kε ≤ n. When only K is known, but assuming 4ε ≤ σ * , using binary search the complexity of AVTA to compute Sε is O(nK(m + σ −2 * )) log(σ −1 * ). More generally, given any t ∈ (0, 1), AVTA computes a subset S *