We prove sparse bounds for pseudodifferential operators associated to Hörmander symbol classes. Our sparse bounds are sharp up to the endpoint and rely on a single scale analysis. As a consequence, we deduce a range of weighted estimates for pseudodifferential operators. The results naturally apply to the context of oscillatory Fourier multipliers, with applications to dispersive equations and oscillatory convolution kernels.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 35S05, Secondary: 42B25. Key words and phrases. Pseudodifferential operators, sparse domination, weighted theory. 1 We use the notation A À B to denote that there is a constant C such that A ď CB and the notation A Àǫ B to specify the dependence of the implicit constant in a certain parameter ǫ. We omit the constant factors of π coming from our normalisation of the Fourier transform. p p,Q :" |Q|´1 ş Q |f | p dx. Given 1 ď r, s ă 8, the pr, sq sparse form Λ S,r,s is defined as Λ S,r,s pf, gq :" ÿ QPS |Q| f r,Q g s,Q , and the r-sparse operator A r,S is defined as A r,S f pxq :" ÿ QPS f r,Q χ Q pxq. Theorem 1.2. Let a P S m ρ,δ for some m ă 0 and 0 ă δ ď ρ ă 1. Then for any compactly supported bounded functions f, g on R n , there exist sparse collections S and r S of dyadic cubes such that | T a f, g | ď Cpm, ρ, r, sqΛ S,r,s 1 pf, gqand | T a f, g | ď Cpm, ρ, r, sqΛ r S,s 1 ,r pf, gq for all pairs pr, s 1 q and ps 1 , rq such that m ă´np1´ρqp1{r´1{2q, 1 ď r ď s ď 2 2 Given 1 ď r ď 8, r 1 denotes its conjugate Hölder exponent, that is 1{r`1`r 1 " 1.