We present a contribution to the field of system identification of partial differential equations (PDEs), with emphasis on discerning between competing mathematical models of patternforming physics. The motivation comes from developmental biology, where pattern formation is central to the development of any multicellular organism, and from materials physics, where phase transitions similarly lead to microstructure. In both these fields there is a collection of nonlinear, parabolic PDEs that, over suitable parameter intervals and regimes of physics, can resolve the patterns or microstructures with comparable fidelity. This observation frames the question of which PDE best describes the data at hand. This question is particularly compelling because identification of the closest representation to the true PDE, while constrained by the functional spaces considered relative to the data at hand, immediately delivers insights to the physics underlying the systems. While building on recent work that uses stepwise regression, we present advances that leverage the variational framework and statistical tests. We also address the influences of variable fidelity and noise in the data. physics-based knowledge. Such a path to modelling holds the promise of very high computational efficiency by circumventing solutions to potentially complex physics. However, it draws criticism for its "black box" nature, and often for lack of interpretability. More seriously, these approaches offer scant openings for analysis when the model fails. Conversely, the availability of abundant data also presents opportunities to discover mathematical frameworks, with well-understood physical meaning, which govern the underlying behavior. This has fueled the field of system identification, which is particularly compelling for determining the governing partial differential equations (PDEs). This is so, because knowledge of the PDE directly translates to deep insights to the physics, guided by differential and integral calculus.Approaches for data-assisted and data-driven discovery of PDEs have proceeded along several fronts. (a) Early work in parameter identification can be traced to nonlinear regression approaches [1,2]. (b) If the governing equation is unknown, an approximate model-whether physical, empirical, or mixed-could be learned from data. For example, the approximate model could be a neural network [3], a reduced-order model [4,5], a phenomenological effective model formed by a linear combinations of basis functions in finite dimensions [6,7], or a linear mapping from a current to a future state where the dynamic characteristics of the mapping could be learned by Dynamic Mode Decomposition [8,9]. (c) Lastly, the complete underlying governing equations could be extracted from data by combining symbolic regression and genetic programming to infer algebraic expressions along with their coefficients [10,11]. In this context, while genetic programming balances model accuracy and complexity, it proves very expensive when searching for a few relevant...