We describe a new estimate of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) intensity map reconstructed by a joint analysis of the full Planck 2015 data (PR2) and nine years of WMAP data. The proposed map provides more than a mere update of the CMB map introduced in a previous paper since it benefits from an improvement of the component separation method L-GMCA (Local-Generalized Morphological Component Analysis), which facilitates efficient separation of correlated components. Based on the most recent CMB data, we further confirm previous results showing that the proposed CMB map estimate exhibits appealing characteristics for astrophysical and cosmological applications: i) it is a full-sky map as it did not require any inpainting or interpolation postprocessing; ii) foreground contamination is very low even on the galactic center; and iii) the map does not exhibit any detectable trace of thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich contamination. We show that its power spectrum is in good agreement with the Planck PR2 official theoretical best-fit power spectrum. Finally, following the principle of reproducible research, we provide the codes to reproduce the L-GMCA, which makes it the only reproducible CMB map.