The characterization of electrostatic charge and aerodynamic size properties of particles and powders is of critical importance in many electrokinetic
choice of instruments for real-time simultaneous measurements of aerodynamic diameter and electrostatic charge distributions of particles on a single particle basis is limited. The Electrical Single Particle Aerodynamic Relaxation Time (E-SP ART)analyzer can be used for simultaneous characterization of particle size distribution in the range from submicron to 100 pm and particle charge distribution in the range from 0 to their saturation charge levels. We present a brief description of the principles of operation of the analyzer, its operational range, its advantages, and limitations. Application of the E-SP ART analyzer to some powder technology processes is also briefly discussed, citing current research needs in these processes with examples of experimental investigations. In many of these processes, the E-SPART analyzer can be used to optimize the particle and powder technology processes involving electrokinetic properties of particles.