SummaryThis report provides an updated estimate of the inventory of carbon tetrachloride (CTET) in the unconfined aquifer in the 200 West Area of the Hanford Site. The contaminant plumes of interest extend within the 200-ZP-1 and 200-UP-1 operable units. CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Company (CHPRC) currently is preparing a plan identifying locations for groundwater extraction wells, injection wells, transfer stations, and one or more treatment facilities to address contaminants of concern identified in the 200-ZP-1 CERCLA Record of Decision. To accomplish this, a current understanding of the inventory of CTET is needed throughout the unconfined aquifer in the 200 West Area.Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) previously developed an estimate of the CTET inventory in the area using a Monte Carlo approach based on geostatistical simulation of the threedimensional (3D) distribution of CTET and chloroform in the aquifer. Fluor Hanford, Inc. (FH) (the previous site contractor) requested PNNL to update that inventory estimate using as input a set of geostatistical realizations of CTET and chloroform recently created for a related but separate project, referred to as the mapping project. The scope of work for the inventory revision complemented the scope of work for the mapping project A database of depth-discrete data for contaminants of interest in the unconfined aquifer in the 200 West Area was developed for the mapping project, with all data traceable back to the original data sources, e.g., the Hanford Environmental Information System. The CTET and chloroform data used to generate the geostatistical realizations that form the basis for the inventory estimates were obtained from that database. This report briefly describes the spatial and univariate distribution of the CTET and chloroform data, along with the results of the geostatistical analysis and simulation performed for the mapping project.The inventory of CTET and chloroform were estimated within the geostatistical simulation grid using a Monte Carlo approach. The inventory reflects CTET and chloroform present in the groundwater and sorbed to the sediment, with the chloroform assumed to represent CTET that degraded early. The inventory simulations were based solely on aqueous concentration data from the two data sets and do not include the mass of any CTET that might be present as a dense non-aqueous phase liquid. The Monte Carlo approach used to estimate the inventory attempted to account for uncertainty in the porosity and the sediment/water equilibrium partition coefficient (K d ) values for CTET and chloroform by drawing values for those parameters from probability distributions.A suite of 500 values of the estimated CTET inventory in the unconfined aquifer was generated from the 500 simulations of CTET and chloroform concentrations. The average total mass of CTET estimated to be present in the study area over the 500 realizations was 120,093 kg. Of this amount, the vast majority (99.0%) was found in cells with a simulated aqueous concentration ...