Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) occur in 23 human paralogues with key functions in physiology, and their activity is controlled by protein inhibitors. Reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs (RecK), which is essential for embryogenesis and tumour suppression, has been reported to inhibit MMPs. Here, we developed eukaryotic and bacterial expression systems for different RECK variants and analysed their inhibitory capacity against representative MMps in vitro. We could not detect any significant inhibition. Instead, we found that partially purified RECK from the conditioned medium of transfected Expi293F cells but not that of ExpiCHO-S or Drosophila Schneider cells contained a contaminant with proteolytic activity. the contaminant was removed through treatment with a small-molecule serine peptidase inhibitor and additional chromatographic purification. A tantamount contaminant was further detected in an equivalent expression system of the n-terminal fragment of the proteoglycan testican 3, but not in those of two other proteins. These results indicate that previous reports of inhibitory activity of recombinant RecK on MMps, which were performed with partially purified samples, were probably masked by a coeluting contaminant present in the supernatant of HEK293-derived cells. Thus, RECK is probably not a direct inhibitor of MMP catalytic activity but may still regulate MMps through other mechanisms. Proteolysis is a post-translational modification of proteins and peptides that is essential for all physiological pathways. It is exerted by peptidases, among which metallopeptidases (MPs) are one of several chemical classes and consist of various clans and families 1. The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs; 23 paralogues in humans), as well as the ADAMs/adamalysins (19 in humans) and the more distantly related ADAMTSs (19 in humans) are among the most studied MPs because of their enormous relevance for human health and disease 2-8. Collectively, they carry out functions as broad degraders during the digestion of intake proteins, turnover of extracellular-matrix components for tissue remodelling and developmental processes, and clearance of obsolete or malfunctioning polypeptides. Moreover, they are fine regulators of shedding, maturation and inactivation of other proteins through limited proteolysis of one or a few peptide bonds 9. Peptide-bond scission is normally irreparable under physiological conditions, so MPs must be fastidiously controlled to avoid aberrant cleavage that would cause dysfunction and pathology. This regulation is physiologically carried out for MMPs in humans by four tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases and the broad-spectrum pan-peptidase inhibitor α 2-macroglobulin 3,10-12. Another reported inhibitor is the protein RECK 13-17. RECK, an acronym for reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs, is encoded by a gene that suppresses the transformed phenotype caused by ras oncogenes 13,18. The 971-residue molecule is a membrane-anchored glycoprotein of ~125 kDa, which...