Information on the presence of Pinnanobilis (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Mediterranean Sea is largely reported in literature because it is an endemic and, at the same time, endangered species. Besides, this record contributes to enlarge the spatial distribution of this species in the South-East Italian coastline (Adriatic Sea). P.nobilis is a protected species under the EU Habitats Directive (1992). In particular, P.nobilis has been recorded for the first time in the Aquatina Lagoon, a transitional water ecosystem included in the NATURA 2000 site “Aquatina di Frigole” (IT9150003). Therefore, this finding underlines the role of transitional water ecosystems as “nursery habitats” for P.nobilis as well as the relevance of conservation actions introduced by the EU with the NATURA 2000 network for preserving the biodiversity.