Salmonellosis is one of several zoonotic diseases for which individuals with occupational animal contact, including abattoir workers, are at an increased risk. If meat is contaminated during slaughter, this can increase the risk of enteric illness for consumers. In this study, we investigated whether reported cases of Salmonella Heidelberg and Typhimurium were clustered around abattoirs in Ontario in 2015 and whether there was any evidence (laboratory/exposure) to suggest an abattoir at the centre of a cluster might be the source of exposure. Data for each reported case of How to cite this article: Paphitis K, Pearl DL, Berke O, McEwen SA, Trotz-Williams L. Detection of spatial and spatio-temporal Salmonella Heidelberg and Salmonella Typhimurium human case clusters focused around licensed abattoirs in Ontario in 2015, and their potential relation to known outbreaks.