Dynamical heterogeneity, spatiotemporal fluctuations in local dynamical behavior, may explain the statistical mechanics of amorphous solids that are mechanically rigid but have a disordered structure similar to that of a dense liquid.
Subject Areas: Statistical Mechanics, Soft MatterFrom the point of view of statistical physics, glasses are mysterious materials. Glassy materials possess a mechanical rigidity, which is similar to that of a crystalline material. In a crystal, rigidity is a direct consequence of long-range periodic order: It is not possible to move a single particle in a perfect crystal (while preserving the crystalline order) without also moving an extensive set of neighbors [ Fig. 1(a)]. While mechanically rigid-glasses do not seem to be characterized by any type of longrange order, see Fig. 1(b)-they resemble ordinary dense liquids. The comparison between crystals and glasses suggests that perhaps a more subtle symmetry breaking takes place during the formation of a glass, one that is not obvious to the naked eye. This conundrum has been a long-standing issue in condensed-matter physics [1, 2].Experimentally, one faces the difficulty that liquids approaching the glass transition (with decreasing temperature, for example) become too viscous to flow on experimental timescales, and fall out of thermal equilibrium without any reproducible thermodynamic phase transition. It is tempting to interpret this dramatic dynamic slowing down as originating from an underlying phase transition or critical point. Near an ordinary critical point, large-scale spatial fluctuations develop, such as the density fluctuations in the example shown in Fig. 1(c), Fig. 1(b)]. Therefore, finding evidence of a phase transition underlying the physics of amorphous materials would represent important progress.In the last decade, these questions have also come up in the field of soft condensed matter, in which disordered structures known as "jammed" materials [4] (foams, emulsions, colloidal gels, sandpiles) stop flowing when their density becomes large, without possessing long-range crystalline order, just like molecular glasses. J. D. Bernal [5] in the 1960s was one of the first physicists to suggest that disordered atomic fluids and granular packings could be investigated using similar tools and perhaps understood using similar theoretical concepts-an idea that has since remained highly popular [6].Two decades of research on dynamic heterogeneity (described in the next section) in amorphous materials have established that the formation of rigid amorphous structures is indeed accompanied by nontrivial spatiotemporal fluctuations, which become stronger nearer the glassy phase and are characterized by growing dynamic correlation length scales [7]. In this article we revisit the mounting evidence-using mostly the example of supercooled liquids, where dynamic heterogeneity has been most widely analyzed-that the formation of amorphous materials is a complex collective phenomenon, which shares more similarities with ordinary critic...