Abstract. This is study provides an overview of precipitation processes and their sensitivities to environmental conditions, in the Central Amazon Basin, during the GoAmazon2014/5 and ACRIDICON-CHUVA experiments. Taking advantage of the numerous measuring platforms and instruments systems operating during both campaigns sampling cloud structure and 30 environmental conditions during 2014 and 2015, the rainfall variability among seasons, aerosol loading, land surface type, and topography have carefully been characterized. Differences between the wet and dry seasons were examined from a variety of different perspectives. The rain rate distribution, the total amount of rainfall, and the raindrop size distribution (the mean massweighted diameter) were quantified for the two seasons. The dry season has a higher average rain rate than the wet season and reflects more intense rain. While the cumulative wet season rainfall amount was four times larger than the total dry season 35 rainfall, reflecting in large total rainfall accumulation. The typical size and life cycle of the Amazon cloud clusters (observed Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., https://doi.org/10. 5194/acp-2017-990 Manuscript under review for journal Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discussion started: 1 November 2017 c Author(s) 2017. CC BY 4.0 License.2 by satellite) and rain cells (observed by radar) were examined, as well their differences among the seasons. Moreover, we analyse the monthly mean thermodynamical and dynamical variables, measured by radiosondes to elucidate the differences in rainfall characteristics during the wet and dry seasons. The sensitivity of rainfall to the atmospheric aerosol loading is discussed with regard to the mean mass-weighted diameter and rain rate. This topic was evaluated during the wet season only due to the insignificant statistics of rainfall events for different ranges of aerosol loadings and the low frequency of precipitation events 5 during the dry season. The aerosol impacts on the cloud droplet diameter is different for small and large drops. For the wet season, we observe no dependence on land surface type on the rain rate. However, during the dry season, urban areas exhibit the largest rain rate tail distribution, and deforested regions have the lowest mean rain rate. Airplane measurements were performed to characterize and contrast cloud microphysical properties and processes over forested and deforested regions. The vertical motion turned out to be uncorrelated with cloud droplet sizes, but the cloud droplets number concentration revealed a 10 linear relationship to the vertical motion. Clouds over forest exhibit larger droplets than clouds over pastures at all cloud levels.Finally, the connections between topography and rain rate were evaluated, showing a higher rain rate over higher elevations for the dry season.
1.Introduction 15
-The Amazon Forest ClimateThe Amazon Forest is a huge area spanning more than 3,000 km in the east-west direction and approximately 2,000 km from north to south. The equator crosses the region, ...