We introduce a georeferenced dataset of Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), Ecosystem Respiration (ER) and meteo-climatic variables (air and soil temperature, air relative humidity, soil volumetric water content, pressure, and solar irradiance) collected at the Nivolet Plain in Gran Paradiso National Park (GPNP), western Italian Alps, from 2017 to 2023. NEE and ER are derived by measuring the temporal variation of CO2 concentration obtained by the enclosed chamber method. We used a customised portable non-steady-state dynamic flux chamber, paired with an InfraRed Gas Analyser (IRGA) and a portable weather station, measuring CO2 fluxes at a number of points (around 20 per site and per day) within five different sites during the snow-free season (June to October). Sites are located within the same hydrological basin and have different geological substrates: carbonate rocks (site CARB), gneiss (GNE), glacial deposits (GLA, EC), alluvial sediments (AL). This dataset provides relevant and often missing information on high-altitude mountain ecosystems and enables new comparisons with other similar sites, modelling developments and validation of remote sensing data.