bField studies in fresh and marine waters consistently show diel fluctuations in concentrations of enterococci, indicators of water quality. We investigated sunlight inactivation of Enterococcus faecalis to gain insight into photoinactivation mechanisms and cellular responses to photostress. E. faecalis bacteria were exposed to natural sunlight in clear, filtered seawater under both oxic and anoxic conditions to test the relative importance of oxygen-mediated and non-oxygen-mediated photoinactivation mechanisms. Multiple methods were used to assess changes in bacterial concentration, including cultivation, quantitative PCR (qPCR), propidium monoazide (PMA)-qPCR, LIVE/DEAD staining using propidium iodide (PI), and cellular activity, including ATP concentrations and expression of the superoxide dismutase-encoding gene, sodA. Photoinactivation, based on numbers of cultivable cells, was faster in oxic than in anoxic microcosms exposed to sunlight, suggesting that oxygen-mediated photoinactivation dominated. There was little change in qPCR signal over the course of the experiment, demonstrating that the nucleic acid targets were not damaged to a significant extent. The PMA-qPCR signal was also fairly stable, consistent with the observation that the fraction of PI-permeable cells was constant. Thus, damage to the membrane was minimal. Microbial ATP concentrations decreased in all microcosms, particularly the sunlit oxic microcosms. The increase in relative expression of the sodA gene in the sunlit oxic microcosms suggests that cells were actively responding to oxidative stress. Dark repair was not observed. This research furthers our understanding of photoinactivation mechanisms and the conditions under which diel fluctuations in enterococci can be expected in natural and engineered systems. H ealth risks posed by exposure to polluted recreational waters are assessed using levels of the fecal indicator bacteria Enterococcus spp. and Escherichia coli. The concentrations of these bacteria, however, are known to be highly variable (6,7,59,60). Intensive field studies show that their concentrations fluctuate on diurnal timescales due to sunlight exposure; concentrations drop during sunlit hours and rise after the sun sets (8,21,50,60,61). While enterococcal photoinactivation is well documented, the mechanisms of inactivation are not well understood, limiting our ability to predict when the process will be important under the wide range of conditions that exist in natural and engineered systems.Bacterial photoinactivation is the result of direct and indirect damage caused by sunlight exposure. Direct damage occurs when photons are absorbed directly by cellular molecules, leading to changes in chemical bond structure. The most common example is UVB damage to DNA, resulting in pyrimidine dimers that prevent DNA replication (39, 47, 51). Indirect damage can occur when photons are absorbed by endogenous (intracellular) sensitizers, such as porphyrins and flavins, or exogenous (extracellular) sensitizers, such as humic compound...