Trophic diversity and ecological balance of fish fauna were studied in three lakes of Côte d'Ivoire, which present different characteristics, in order to assess their maturity state. Fishes were sampled every 45 days from November 2017 to October 2018, using gillnets. Stomachs contents were examined under binocular loop and optic microscope.Prey was quantified using Main Food Index. Fish classification in trophic guilds was based on analysis of 2892 stomach contents belonging to 43 species. Similarity of patterns was summarized by a non-metric Multidimensional Scaling analysis and tested statistically by a Permutational multivariate analysis of variance. Forage to carnivore ratio was calculated to assess ecological balance of fish community. Six trophic guilds were recorded: pisciviores, insectivores, molluscivores, herbivores, phytoplanktivores and omnivores. Molluscivores guild was exclusive to Taabo lake. According to specific richness and abundance, insectivores were the most important in three lakes. Fish community is unbalanced at Kossou and Taabo lakes. That of Faé is balanced and suitable. Kossou, Taabo and Faé lakes are aging ecosystems with fish communities subject to anthropic pressure. It could be recommend lowering fishing pressure, precisely in Kossou and Taabo lakes. Obtained results may help decisionmaking in favor of rational management of lacustrine fisheries.