Production of bacterioplanktonand phytoplankton was analyzed in oligotrophic Lawrence Lake, Michigan, over a 2-yr period. Variables examined were temperature, bacterial numbers and biovolumes, bacterial production and specific growth rates (p), phytoplanktonic biomass and production, and alkaline phosphatase activity. Algal and bacterial production varied similarly on temporal and spatial scales; some differences in vertical patterns were evident during summer stratification. Values for p ranged from 0.2 d-l during winter to 2.6 d-l in midsummer. Decreases in specific growth rates of bacteria coincided with the onset of heavy CaCO, precipitation and with increased alkaline phosphatase activities. p was close to predicted maximal values during periods of mixing but was depressed in upper layers during summer. Temperature showed significant bivariate rank correlations with all variables. With temperature controlled, p did not show significant partial correlations with algal chlorophyll or production, consistent with a minor role of dissolved organic carbon from phytoplankton for bacterial growth. Low and high estimates of bacterioplanktonic production over 2 yr exceeded that of phytoplankton by factors of 1.33 and 3.35. Net metabolism in the pelagic zone was heterotrophic, a state likely maintained by littoral macrophytic and periphytic production. Apparent coupling between phyto-and bacterioplankton stemmed mainly from similar responses of each component to common regulating factors rather than from direct metabolic links.Abundance and production of bacterioplankton and phytoplankton have been demonstrated to covary across a large range of trophic states in both freshwater and marine ecosystems (e.g. Bird and Kalff 1984;Cole et al. 1988). These relationships have supported a general conceptual model of bacterial dependence, either direct or indirect, on algal production as a primary source of organic substrates, although alternative interpretations have been offered (Cole et al. 1988;Currie 1990). Further, these Acknowledgments This research was supported by the National Science Foundation(BSR 83-07716,BSR 8%17039,andOSR91-08761)and the Department of Energy (DE-FG02-87ER605 15). We acknowledge the technical assistance of J. Sonnad, S. Marsh Ford, and N. L. Consolatti in the laboratory and the many colleagues that assisted with field measurements. We appreciate the critical review of E. Roden and the comments of two anonymous reviewers.