We have measured the angular dependence of the intensity of light scattered from xenon near its critical point, verified the Ornstein-Zernike theory, and determined the temperature dependence of the isothermal compressibility K T , the long-range correlation length £, and the direct correlation range R. The exponents describing the divergences of /c^andl are, respectively, y iquid '=1.228±0.028, y vapcr '= 1.244 ±0.017, and v vapor '=0.57 ±0.05. R is essentially constant at ~6 A.Over fifty years ago, Ornstein and Zernike 1 proposed that, near the critical point of a singlecomponent fluid, spatial correlations in the density fluctuations would produce angular anisotropy in the intensity of the scattered light. Nevertheless, there has been no direct experimental evidence of this effect. 2 "" 4 In binary critical mixtures, spatial correlations in the concentration fluctuations also produce anisotropy in the scattered intensity. This effect is large and has been carefully studied. 2 ' 3 * 5This Letter reports measurements of the angular anisotropy in the intensity of light scattered from xenon near its critical point. We find, at all temperatures and densities studied, that the reciprocal of the scattered intensity varies linearly with sin 2 (0/2) (where 9 is the scattering angle) as Ornstein and Zernike predicted. Our data provide an accurate measurement of the longrange correlation length £, the isothermal compressibility K Ti and the direct correlation range R along paths near the critical point.The experimental setup we use consists of a helium-neon laser source and associated focusing optics, a high-pressure optical cell having a high-quality cylindrical glass window, collecting optics, and a phototube mounted on a rotating arm whose axis is the same as that of the cylindrical window. The laser power is stabilized to better than 0.5% by a servomechanism which controls the plasma current in response to a solarcell sensor. The electric field of the laser beam is parallel to the axis of the window. When the cell is sealed, stresses are applied only along the cylinder axis; thus the stress-induced birefringence does not alter the polarization of the field. The temperature of the cell was maintained to within ±0.001°K using a two-stage servomechanism. A platinum resistance thermometer, calibrated relative to the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) secondary standards, was used to measure the temperature. The pressure cell was constructed of beryllium copper and stainless steel. The critical fluid was contained in a volume of height 1.986 in. and diam 0.250 in. Of this, a central region • § in. in height is surrounded by the cylindrical window whose specifications are i.d. =0.250± 0.001 in., o.d.=0.709± 0.001 in., and concentricity better than 0.001 in. Indium is used throughout as sealing material. No organic 1145