Cortical spreading depression (CSD) is a wave of pronounced depolarization of brain tissue accompanied by substantial shifts in ionic concentrations and cellular swelling. Here, we validate a computational framework for modelling electrical potentials, ionic movement, and cellular swelling in brain tissue during CSD. We consider different model variations representing wild type or knock-out/knock-down mice and systematically compare the numerical results with reports from a selection of experimental studies. We find that the data for several CSD hallmarks obtained computationally, including wave propagation speed, direct current shift duration, peak in extracellular K+ concentration as well as a pronounced shrinkage of extracellular space, are well in line with what has previously been observed experimentally. Further, we assess how key model parameters including cellular diffusivity, structural ratios, membrane water and/or K+ permeabilities affect the set of CSD characteristics.Significance StatementMovement of ions and molecules in and between cellular compartments is fundamental for brain function. Cortical spreading depression (CSD) is associated with dramatic failure of brain ion homeostasis. Better understanding the sequence of events in CSD could thus provide new insight into physiological processes in the brain. Despite extensive experimental research over the last decades, even basic questions related to mechanisms underlying CSD remain unanswered. Computational modelling can play an important role going forward, since simulation studies can address hypotheses that are difficult to target experimentally. Here, we assess the physiological validity of a novel mathematical framework for detailed modelling of brain electrodiffusion and osmosis – and provide a platform for in silico studies of CSD and other cerebral electro-mechanical phenomena.