The spatio‐temporal dynamics of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), was investigated to evaluate the effect of the landscape elements and host plants on pest distribution, in an agricultural landscape of 500 ha located in Central Italy. Two farms (farm 1 and farm 2) are located in the experimental area, composing mixed fruit orchards and surrounded by hedgerows, small woodlots, private gardens and cereal fields. Ceratitis capitata population fluctuation was monitored, from 2006 to 2008, using traps baited with trimedlure. Geostatistical methods such as Inverse distance squared weighted were used to obtain distributional maps of adults, mainly males. Results showed that the adult Mediterranean fruit flies were primarily distributed inside farm 1, with the maximum density found in the months of September and October. Away from the principal host plants, particularly in cereal fields, the number of trapped individuals was always low or zero. In both farms, flies were caught sequentially in traps located on host plants (i.e. peach, apple, pear, oriental persimmon and prickly pear) at varying times of maturation, especially when fruits remained on the trees. Distributional maps provided evidence that allowed to identify habitats in which the fly developed early in the season (mixed peach orchards) and afterwards during the periodic flights.