e fate and transport of pretilachlor, one of the most widely used rice-paddy herbicides in Japan, were monitored in a rice paddy plot for 28 days a er its application in the ve study years. e e ect of the percolation rate on herbicide loss was investigated.e concentration of pretilachlor in the paddy water was at its highest level within 2 days of application. e maximum concentration in percolated water was lower, and it was reached 1 or 2 days later than that in the paddy water. Almost all the pretilachlor loss was caused by percolation. e pretilachlor loss, as estimated from the amount that was applied and the cumulative percolation loss, ranged from 7.4 to 16.3%. In the ve study years, the average percolation rate for the 7 days following application ranged from 11.5 to 29.3 mm/day. e pretilachlor loss increased proportionally with the percolation rate for 7 days following application.