ABSTRACT-Among the pests of citrus, one of the most important is the red and black flat mite Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes), which transmits the Citrus leprosis virus C (CiLv-C). When a rational pest control plan is adopted, it is important to determine the correct timing for carrying out the control plan. Making this decision demands constant follow-up of the culture through periodic sampling where knowledge about the spatial distribution of the pest is a fundamental part to improve sampling and control decisions. The objective of this work was to study the spatial distribution pattern and build a sequential sampling plan for the pest. The data used were gathered from two blocks of valencia sweet orange on a farm in São Paulo State, Brazil, by 40 inspectors trained for the data collection. The following aggregation indices were calculated: variance/ mean ratio, Morisita index, Green's coefficient, and k parameter of the negative binomial distribution. The data were tested for fit with Poisson and negative binomial distributions using the chi-square goodness of fit test. The sequential sampling was developed using Wald's Sequential Probability Ratio Test and validated through simulations. We concluded that the spatial distribution of B. phoenicis is aggregated, its behavior best fitted to the negative binomial distribution and we built and validated a sequential sampling plan for control decision-making. Index terms: red and black flat mite, negative binomial, Poisson distribution, decision making, integrated pest management.
DISTRIBUIÇÃO ESPACIAL E AMOSTRAGEM SEQUENCIAL DE Brevipalpus phoenicis EM CITRUSRESUMO-Dentre as pragas dos citros, uma das mais importantes é o ácaro da leprose Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes), que transmite o vírus da leprose dos citros (CiLv-C). Quando um plano racional de controle de pragas é adotado, é importante se determinar o tempo correto para se dar início ao plano de controle. Para tanto, é necessário acompanhamento constante da cultura através de amostragens periódicas, onde o conhecimento do comportamento espacial da praga é fundamental. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o padrão de distribuição espacial e desenvolver um plano de amostragem sequencial para a praga. Os dados utilizados foram coletados em dois talhões de laranja valência em uma fazenda no estado de São Paulo, Brasil, por 40 inspetores treinados para a atividade.