Articles you may be interested in Dissociative recombination of H + ( H 2 O ) 3 and D + ( D 2 O ) 3 water cluster ions with electrons: Cross sections and branching ratiosThe flowing afterglow technique has been applied to the dissociative recombination CO 2 ϩ ϩe Ϫ →CO*ϩO, in order to determine the radiative cascade contribution from high-energy triplet states of CO, (aЈ 3 ⌺ ϩ ), (d 3 ⌬ i ), and (e 3 ⌺ Ϫ ), to the total yield of the long-lived (a 3 ⌸) state. The yields of the aЈ, d, e states were found to be approximately 18%, 20%, and 0.3%, respectively, of the total CO(a) yield, which leads us to conclude that (38Ϯ8)% of the total CO(a) yield is due to radiative cascading, rather than direct formation. When combined with our previously reported total CO(a) yield of 0.29Ϯ0.10, the absolute yields of the triplet states become f (aЈ)ϭ0.053Ϯ0.024, f (d) ϭ0.057Ϯ0.022, and f (e)ϳ9ϫ10 Ϫ4 .