Variations in
AbstractThe variations in ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages across the three types of farmland habitats, arable land, meadows and woody vegetation were studied in relation to vegetation cover structure, intensity of agrotechnical interventions and selected soil properties. Material was pitfall trapped in 2010 and 2011 on twelve sites of the agricultural landscape in the Prešov town and its near vicinity, Eastern Slovakia. A total of 14,763 ground beetle individuals were entrapped. Material collection resulted into 92 Carabidae species, with the following six species dominating: Poecilus cupreus, Pterostichus melanarius, Pseudoophonus rufipes, Brachinus crepitans, Anchomenus dorsalis and Poecilus versicolor. Studied habitats differed significantly in the number of entrapped individuals, activity abundance as well as representation of the carabids according to their habitat preferences and ability to fly. However, no significant distinction was observed in the diversity, evenness neither dominance. The most significant environmental variables affecting Carabidae assemblages species variability were soil moisture and herb layer 0-20 cm. Another best variables selected by the forward selection were intensity of agrotechnical interventions, humus content and shrub vegetation. The other from selected soil properties seem to have just secondary meaning for the adult carabids. Environmental variables have the strongest effect on the habitat specialists, whereas ground beetles without special requirements to the habitat quality seem to be affected by the studied environmental variables just little.Keywords: arable land, ground beetles, meadows, non-crop habitats, soil moisture Ďalšími významnými premennými, ktoré vplývajú na kompozíciu spoločenstva sú intenzita agrotechnických zásahov, obsah pôdneho humusu a krovinová vegetácia. Ostatné zo sledovaných pôdnych vlastností majú na dospelé jedince bystrušiek len sekudárny vplyv. Rovnako, environmentálne premenné najvýraznejšie ovplyvňujú habitatových špecialistov, zatiaľ čo druhy bystrušiek bez vyhranených nárokov na podmienky prostredia sú ovplyvnené uvedenými faktormi len málo.Kľúčové slová: bystruškovité, mimoprodukčné habitaty, orná pôda, pôdna vlhkosť, trvalo trávne porasty