Because the manual counting of soybean (Glycine max) plants, pods, and seeds/pods is unsuitable for soybean yield predictions, alternative methods are desired. Therefore, the objective was to determine if satellite remote sensing−based artificial intelligence (AI) models could be used to predict soybean yield. In the study, multiple remote sensing−based AI models were developed for soybean growth stage ranging from VE/VC (plant emergence) to R6/R7 (full seed to beginning maturity). The ability of the Deep Neural Network (DNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO), and AdaBoost to predict soybean yield, based on blue, green, red, and near infrared reflectance data collected by the PlanetScope satellite at 6 growth stages, was determined. Remote sensing and soybean yield monitor data from 3 different fields in two years (2019 and 2021) were aggregated into 24,282 grid cells that had the dimensions of 10 by 10m. A comparison across models showed that the DNN outperformed the other models. Moreover, as crops matured from VE/VC to R4/R5, the R2 value of the models increased from 0.26 to over 0.70. These findings indicate that remote sensing data collected at different growth stages can be combined for soybean yield predictions. Moreover, additional work needs to be conducted to assess the model's ability to predict soybean yield with vegetation indices (VI) data for fields not used to train the model.This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved