Molecules associated with the outer surface of living cells exhibit complex, non-Brownian patterns of diffusion. In this report, supported lipid bilayers were patterned with nanoscale barriers to capture key aspects of this anomalous diffusion in a controllable format. First, long-range diffusion coefficients of membrane-associated molecules were significantly reduced by the presence of the barriers, while short-range diffusion was unaffected. Second, this modulation was more pronounced for large molecular complexes than for individual lipids. Surprisingly, the quantitative effect of these barriers on long-range lipid diffusion could be accurately simulated using a simple, continuum-based model of diffusion on a nanostructured surface; we thus describe a metamaterial that captures the properties of the outer membrane of living cells.The outer surface of cells presents a complex, nanostructured, yet fluid environment that controls the movement of signaling proteins. The lateral movement of many membrane biomolecules, including transmembrane or tethered proteins as well as lipids themselves, can be interpreted as being free and isotropic within compartments of the cell membrane measuring tens to hundreds of nanometers in scale [1][2][3][4][5][6] . These compartments are delineated by semipermeable barriers that arise from interactions between the plasma membrane, underlying cytoskeleton, and associated proteins [6][7][8] . Fluctuations in these structures allow biomolecules to occasionally cross between compartments, allowing long-range, but comparatively slow, transport over the cell surface. More formally, transport along the membrane is an anomalous, non-Brownian process that can be characterized by two diffusion coefficients, one that describes short-range motion within an individual compartment and a second, smaller, effective diffusion coefficient that is associated with long-range motion over many barriers. The extent to which these values differ is dependent on the spacing and properties of the barriers as well as the diffusing molecule. Emerging models suggest significant impacts of this behavior on cell signaling 2, 9, 10 , but experimental systems for testing these hypotheses are not widely available. In this report, we capture this anomalous diffusion by nanopatterning supported lipid bilayers with barriers to lipid diffusion using a geometry that captures the semipermeable nature of those posed to be present in living cells. As is posed by models of these interactions, we aim to gain control over long-range diffusion, while maintaining local, isotropic diffusion associated with a membrane in the absence of such barriers. We demonstrate that these nanopatterned barriers give rise to different short-and long-range diffusion coefficients of lipids and membrane-associated proteins, and provide a quantitative model of this diffusion that suggests specific aspects of membrane structure at the sub-micrometer level. The basic substrate supported lipid bilayer system consists of a phospholipid membrane...