Most older individuals prefer to age in place during their later years; however, achieving this aspiration presents significant challenges. Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORCs) represent a potential option for promoting healthy aging, both from the perspective of meeting seniors’ real needs and cost-effectiveness. This article aims to analyze the distribution of NORCs in Australia and compares census data from 2011 to 2021 to understand the overall distribution patterns and changes across the nation, by providing a localized analysis of the hotspot distribution of NORCs in eight Greater Capital Cities. The study employs methods of geovisualization, Global Moran’s I, and Getis-Ord Gi* analysis to examine the spatial correlations and clustering effects of NORCs. The results indicate that NORCs are rapidly growing in Australia, with their distribution primarily influenced by sea change and urbanization. Understanding the trends in NORC distribution can assist the government in developing effective and localized policies and interventions to help older Australians to better age in place.