Responding to the location of a target is delayed when the target arises at a position previously occupied by a distractor (ignored-repetition trial), relative to when it occurs at a formerly unoccupied location (control trial) [i.e., the spatial negative priming (SNP) effect]. Speculation has held that recently inhibited (distractor) responses resist future execution (i.e., execution resistance [ER]), and thus cause SNP. Evidence for ER has been reported for identity-based tasks using masked prime distractor events. The purpose of this study was to examine the potential impact of ER on response selection in an SNP task for both nonmasked (traditional) and masked primes. We employed a modified SNP task that included nonmasked and masked target-only and distractor-only visual primes (first trial), along with forced choice and free choice probes (second trial). On free choice trials, a selection bias against the prime-distractor-assigned response was evident (same-hand competition, for both nonmasked and masked primes). This selection avoidance was held to reflect ER operating with inhibited prime distractor responses. Further, inhibitory aftereffect patterns were the same for nonmasked and masked distractor primes, and masking target primes transformed a positive to a negative aftereffect, as predicted by the self-inhibition model of mask function set out by Schlaghecken and Eimer (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11, 463-468, 2004).