Abstract. Understanding the relative importance of different ecological processes on the metapopulation dynamics of species is the basis for accurately forecasting metapopulation size in fragmented landscapes. Successful local colonization depends on both species dispersal range and how local habitat conditions affect establishment success. Moreover, there is limited understanding of the effects of different spatiotemporal landscape properties on future meta population size. We investigate which factors drive the future metapopulation size of the epiphytic model lichen species Lobaria pulmonaria in a managed forest landscape. First, we test the importance of dispersal and local conditions on the colonization-extinction dynamics of the species using Bayesian state space modelling of a large scale data set collected over a 10 yr period. Second, we test the importance of dispersal and establishment limitation in explaining establishment probability and subsequent local population growth, based on a 10 yr propagule sowing experiment. Third, we test how future metapopulation size is affected by different meta population and spatiotemporal landscape dynamics, using simulations with the metapopula tion models fitted to the empirical data. The colonization probability increased with tree inclination and connectivity, with a mean dispersal distance of 97 m (95% credible intervals, 5-530 m). Local extinctions were mainly deterministic set by tree mortality, but also by tree cutting by forestry. No experimental establishments took place on clearcuts, and in closed forest the establishment probability was higher on trees growing on moist than on dry mesic soils. The subsequent local population growth rate increased with increasing bark roughness. The simulations showed that the restricted dispersal range estimated (compared to non restricted dispersal range), and short tree rotation length (65 yr instead of 120) had approxi mately the same negative effects on future metapopulation size, while regeneration of trees creating a random tree pattern instead of an aggregated one had only some negative effect. However, using the colonization rate obtained with the experimentally added diaspores led to a considerable increase in metapopulation size, making the dispersal limitation of the species clear. The future metapopulation size is thus set by the number of host trees located in shady conditions, not isolated from occupied trees, and by the rotation length of these host trees.