“…Similarly TW1-2 figure 8(b) was found by refining an initial guess formed from windowing TW1 in in its z-phase with σ y , σ z , τ xz symmetry and with windowing parameters a, b = 1.2, 0.4, resulting in a traveling wave solution with σ y , σ z symmetry. TW2-1 and TW2-2, shown in figure 8(c,d), are likely the most interesting solutions presented in this paper, as they represent traveling wave solutions that are spanwise localized and strongly concentrated near a single wall, and as such are the solutions most likely to be relevant to the lambda-vortex coherent structures that occur near the walls of shear flows (Saiki et al (1993)). TW2-1 was formed by windowing TW2 in its z-phase with symmetry τ x σ z , τ xz and windowing parameters a, b = 0.6, 0.4 to get an initial guess with τ x σ z symmetry, and refining that with Newton-Krylov-hookstep.…”