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Glossary of terms used in ecotoxicology (IUPAC Recommendations 2009)Abstract: The objective of the "Glossary of terms used in ecotoxicology" is to give clear definitions for those who contribute to studies relevant to ecotoxicology but are not themselves ecotoxicologists. This objective applies especially to chemists who need to understand the ecotoxicological literature without recourse to a multiplicity of dictionaries. The glossary includes terms related to chemical speciation in the environment, sampling, monitoring, and environmental analysis, as well as to adverse ecological effects of chemicals, ecological biomarkers, and the environmental distribution of chemicals. The dictionary consists of about 1139 terms. The authors hope that among the groups who will find this glossary helpful, in addition to chemists, are pharmacologists, toxicologists, ecotoxicologists, risk assessors, regulators, medical practitioners, and regulatory authorities. In particular, the glossary should facilitate the use of chemistry in relation to environmental risk assessment.